Accessories for PHYTO-PAM FIBER Version
Quartz Glass Mixing Rod EDF-Q
Quartz glass mixing rod (4 x 50 mm) can replace the standard Perspex Mixing Rod EDF-P in the case of special applications, e.g. toxicological investigations.

Perspex Mixing Rod EDF-P
Set of three perspex mixing rods (4 x 50 mm). The sale of the PHYTO-EDF includes a set of three Perspex mixing rods.

Mini Quantum Sensor US-MQS/B
Consisting of the cosine corrected Mini Quantum Sensor US-MQS/B together with the Adapter Set MQS-B/A for the calibration of the internal light list of the PYHTO-PAM FIBER version and WATER-PAM FIBER version.