Configurations for MULTI-COLOR-PAM

The MULTI-COLOR-PAM fluorometer can be configured for suspensions (cyanobacteria, algae or chloroplasts) or for flat objects like leaves. Both configurations require the same three components: the MCP-C Power-and-Control-Unit, the MCP-E Multi-Color Emitter Head and MCP-D Detector Head.

For measurements of suspensions, the measuring heads MCP-E and MCP-D are attached to an optical unit (ED-101US/MD) which holds in the center a 1 x 1 x 4.5 cm quartz cuvette. The optical unit guides light efficiently to the sample by a Perspex rod. Similarly, a Perspex rod forms a path with negligible light loss between sample and detector.

The configuration for the measurement of suspensions becomes even more performant by adding a number of accessories. The software-controlled stirrer PHYTO-MS prevents settling of particles during measurements. The spherical quantum sensor US-SQS/WB measures light intensity within the suspension, which is a must for measurements of light response curves or functional PS II absorption cross-section. Temperature control can be exercised using the temperature block ED-101/T connected to a thermostatic water bath and mounted on top of the ED-101US/MD optical unit. Alternatively, the US-T unit can control cuvette temperature by a heat-transfer rod (Peltier element) dipped into the suspension.

For leaf studies, an optical unit equipped with a leaf clip is used (MCP-BK). Similarly as in the optical unit for suspensions, Perspex rods provide efficient optical pathways between measuring heads and sample where the rod between emitter head and sample is conically shaped to optimize optical efficiency of the unit. For the leaf configuration, the recommended accessory is a cosine-response quantum sensor (US-MQS/WB) which is positioned in a special port of the leaf clip of the optical unit.