Downloads for MULTI-COLOR-PAM

Software PamWin-4 V4.02v

PC software PamWin-4 V4.02v (Windows 10, 11) EXE-File (51.4 MB)

The latest generation of PamWin software was created for the new MULTI-COLOR-PAM-II unit, which enables time resolutions in the sub-microsecond range.
Note: From software version 3.20 on, the duration of saturation pulses/multiple turnover pulses (the “SP-Width” parameter) is adjusted in 10 ms increments. Earlier software versions use 100 ms increments. Therefore, check your SP-Width setting after installation of new PamWin-3 software.

How to view sample data
PDF-File (35 kB)
Sample data for PC software PamWin
ZIP-File (500 kB)

Manuals & Documentation

Instruction manual for MULTI-COLOR-PAM
PDF-File (9.5 MB)

Manual for Temperature Control Unit US-T
PDF-File (1 MB)

Manual for DUAL-H90 Holder
PDF-File (1 MB)

PDF-File (2.8 MB)

PAM Application Notes (PAN)

Relevant PAN E-Journal for MULTI-COLOR-PAM

PAN (2011) 1: 1-19, PDF-File (2 MB)