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A source of artificial light is often required when investigating photosynthesis. The light source should have a spectrum similar to sunlight, have sufficient light intensity and should illuminate the object under investigation as uniformly as possible. There is hardly a light source that adequately fulfils all of these characteristics.
High intensity white light is traditionally obtained using halogen lamps with the drawback of considerable heat production and inhomogeneous light distribution. In comparison, heat production is low in LEDs and LEDs which are regularly distributed on a panel provide homogeneous illumination. The LED light source RGBW-084 integrates both advantages and additionally allows to design the light spectra matching your experimental needs.
General Features LED-Panel RGBW-L084
The LED-Panel RGBW-L084 is designed with a densely packed array of high-power color LEDs that facilitates measurements under a variety of illumination options. The colors, Red, Green, Blue, and White can be adjusted independently with a maximum output (all colors together) of 2000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR or better.
The LED-Panel RGBW-L084 fits perfectly on top of Gas-Exchange Chamber 3010-GWK1 with an illuminated area of 14 cm x 12 cm. At the side it provides an additional socket for the connection of a PAR sensor. The LED-Panel RGBW can be operated via GFS-Win software in combination with a 3010-GWK1, GFS-3000 or stand alone using the Interface 3010-I/BOX.