GFS-3000 & DUAL-PAM-100

System Combination

The most sophisticated combination of Walz instruments is the GFS-3000, together with the P700 & Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measuring System DUAL-PAM-100, using the specially designed DUAL-PAM Gas-Exchange Cuvette 3010-DUAL.

This novel setup is the first commercially available system allowing simultaneous analysis of PS I and PS II photochemistry simultaneously with CO2 gas exchange.

The cuvette 3010-DUAL enables control of temperature and gas composition. Hence, the wide range of information provided by the DUAL-PAM-100 can be obtained under climate-controlled conditions concurrent with gas exchange data.

The small area of the cuvette 3010-DUAL (1.3 cm2), makes it very suitable for experiments on single Arabidopsis leaves. Also the P515/535 Emitter and Detector, which enable the DUAL-PAM-100 to measure the electro-chromic carotenoid shift and “light scattering”, are compatible with the cuvette 3010-DUAL. With the development of the DUAL-KLAS-NIR, the gas exchange cuvette 3010-DUAL was further adapted, so that the DUAL-KLAS-NIR can also be used together with the GFS-3000.

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