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Chlorophyll Fluorometer for Phytoplankton
The WATER-PAM-II is next to PHYTO-PAM-II, the instrument of choice for phytoplankton analysis. It can be used for laboratory cultures as well as natural water samples when very low chlorophyll contents of samples require ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection.
The WATER-PAM-II is a portable cuvette system for analyzing the photosynthetic activity of a wide variety of phytoplankton samples. The lightweight instrumentcan be used in plenty of applications thanks to its large sensitivity spectrum, the ability to easily switch between red and blue light mode (measuring light and actinic light) and a variety of accessories such as a flow-through cuvette.
With the WATER-PAM-II a detailed analysis can be made of the photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton samples, including quenching parameters. It can be used as a stand-alone instrument or connected to an external computer running WinControl-3 software. In addition to simple single measurements, analysis protocols such as induction curves and light curves can be performed with easy-to-use program routines.
A new feature of WATER-PAM-II instruments is the differential analysis of algal content, providing a tool to determine the composition of algae populations with respect to three algae groups (green algae, cyanobacteria and brown algae), based on differences in the F-spectrum of these algal groups. A deconvoluted/differential analysis of photosynthetic activity of mixed algal samples is provided by PHYTO-PAM-II instruments.
Design features of this very compact instrument:
- Integrated sunlight readable touchscreen enabling easy operation and providing numerical and graphical display of the measurements
- Practical power supply option: common, easily replaceable, off-the-shelf (rechargable) batteries (type AA)
- Energy-efficient LED light sources and storage capacity of 27 000 data sets permit long-term experiments in the field
- Highly sensitive photomultiplier detector with automatic overexposure protection for safe use even in sunny environments
Extensive set of accessories included: several cuvettes, a cuvette stand and the US-SQS/L Light Sensor for precise light calibration.
Accessories for WATER-PAM-II:
- WATER-II/S Stirrer (device controlled) to prevent settling of sample
- WATER-II/FT Flow-Through Cuvette and WATER-II/FT/I Pump Control 0-10 V for automated sampling
- BCS-9590 Barcode Scanner for an easy-to-use administration of measurements of labelled samples
- WATER-II/H Tripod Holder for WATER-PAM-II