Submersible chlorophyll fluorometer with miniature spectrometer for underwater photosynthesis research.
Submersible chlorophyll fluorometer with miniature spectrometer for underwater photosynthesis research.
Instrument designed to analyze redox activity and stoichiometry of P700 (PS I), PC and Fd in parallel to PS II.
Research device capable of precise analyses of photosystem I and II activity, NADPH, ΔpH and membrane energization.
Large format chlorophyll fluorescence imaging instrument offering highest accuracy and flexibility.
High-end systems for 2D and 3D imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence from the microscopic to the leaf level.
Compact chlorophyll fluorometer for teaching of PAM fluorescence and quenching analysis.
Handheld device for measuring radiation screening, chlorophyll concentration, and the maximum photosystem II quantum yield, FV/FM.
Chlorophyll fluorometer with four alternative excitation wavelengths for probing of cells and tissue in microbial mats and leaves.
Chlorophyll fluorometer for microscopic assessment of photosynthesis down to the single cell level.
Highly portable photosynthesis yield analyzer optimized for field measurements.
Robust outdoor fluorometer for autonomous long-term monitoring of photosynthesis of terrestrial and aquatic plants.
Sensitive and fast research fluorometer offering an unprecedented range of measuring and actinic light colors.
Five excitation wavelength chlorophyll fluorometer for differential analysis of mixed algae groups.
Highly portable PAM-Chlorophyll Fluorometer for analysis of photosynthetic PSII activity and algae composition of water samples.