PamWin-4 Software

General Features and Graphical User Interface

PamWin-4, the software controlling both the MULTI-COLOR-PAM(-II) and the PAM-2500, was developed out of PamWin-3 and can handle all the new features of the MULTI-COLOR-PAM-II. The software runs on PCs with operating systems Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit) and 11.

The software consists of 3 parts: SP analysis, Fast Acquisition for PAM-applications (first 3 Tabs) and Single Turnover Kinetics (STK) for non-modulated flash analyses (last 2 Tabs).

The broad portfolio of applications also means a considerable number of sections on Tabs where particular applications can be defined. On the new ST Settings Tab single, double or multiple flash experiments can be defined (first example below), but also flash trains for the determination of period-4 oscillations (with or without pre-flashes) as shown in the second example below.

Simple menus to define flash experiments and flash trains with or without pre-flashes.

A simple menu allows the user to define a single or double (or multiple) flash experiment. The latter is particularly important for configuring pump-probe measurements

With the Pulse Series menu, a flash train can be defined. Setting the Target No. to 14, a flash train of 14 flashes, in this case 200 ms apart will be applied.

Giving two pre-flashes, here 100 ms apart, the S3 state can be induced. By varying the delay time between pre-flashes and flash train (here 1 s), the S3 state decay can be monitored.

Tools for the analysis of period-4 oscillations are part of the software (see Applications).

For the Fast Acquisition data, the software offers two types of support. On the one hand measurement protocols in the form of trigger files and scripts, and on the other hand fit routines for the analysis of O-I1-transients to determine the antenna cross section Sigma(II), the exponential fluorescence decay following a single turnover flash, or following a period of illumination.

The script and trigger files that come with the software can also be used as examples on the basis of which other script and trigger files can be developed.

Trigger file for a 300 ms polyphasic rise with a single turnover flash after 1 ms.

In the case of a Trig-run the experimental protocol defined by a trigger file is executed on the basis of the settings defined in the General Settings page.

In the case of a script file, one or more trigger files are imbedded in a timeline defining as well, the timing of the different parts of the experiment. In a script the user can also define the intensities and/or wavelengths of the different light sources used; settings, which can be changed as a function of the timeline of the script. Here, an example of a script file for a Sigma(II) determination, allowing for example the measurement of the five different excitation wavelengths in one go.