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Photosynthesis Yield Analyzer
Sensitivity, small dimensions, reliability under rugged conditions, and simple execution of fluorescence analysis make the MINI-PAM-II the standard for PAM fluorometry in field research. The MINI-PAM II combines well-tested fiberoptics with the most modern LED and computer technology. A sun-readable touchscreen serves as easy-to-use interface for field studies. The fluorometer automatically calculates and displays all relevant parameters of saturation pulse analysis.
The new leaf clip MINI-PAM II/POROMETER complements the analysis with precise information on water evaporation, stomatal conductance and other parameters important for understanding stomatal function and photosynthetic performance.
Outstanding Properties of the MINI-PAM-II
- Compact housing with integrated computer
- Internal PAR sensor
- Red and blue light versions, both including far-red light
General Features MINI-PAM-II
Energy-efficient LED sources, storage capacity for 27,000 data sets, and easy replaceable off-the-shelf batteries permit extended measurements in remote places.
The far-red light (735 nm LED) of the MINI-PAM-II preferably excites photosystem I but its radiation is negligibly absorbed by photosystem II. A special measuring routine uses this far-red light to determine the F0’ fluorescence level, which is important to correctly assess the redox state of photosystem II reaction centers.
Expandable through accessories such as various leaf clips, external multi-color lamp, miniature spectrometer, suspension cuvette, optical oxygen sensor, and barcode scanner.
In experiments using internal actinic light, the light intensity at sample level can be monitored online using an internal light sensor. This internal sensor must be calibrated against an external light sensor.