Accessories for MINI-PAM-II - Standard Configuration
Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC/MP
The Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC/MP records spectra of PAR in the visible and far-red range. The MINI-SPEC/MP is well-suited to study effects of spectral variations of light on photosynthesis. The spectrometer can also be configured to measure sample reflectance, which can be used as a proxy for the sample’s spectral absorption properties. Another configuration permits measurements of fluorescence emission spectra of samples where fluorescence excitation occurs either with blue or with green light. A reflectance standard and a special 160 cm cable connecting the MINI-SPEC/MP to the MINI-PAM-II are part of delivery.

Light, Temperature and Humidity Sensing Leaf Clip Holder 2035-B
The leaf clip 2035-B has been devised to record leaf temperature, light intensities at sample level and air humidity. The clip measures photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by an LS-C Mini Quantum Sensor, a NiCr-Ni thermocouple records leaf temperature, and a capacitive type, temperature-corrected humidity sensor measures relative humidity of air. Calibration factors of PAR and temperature sensors are stored on the internal memory of the leaf clip 2035-B. A second PAR sensor can be connected to the leaf clip. Measured data are sent as digital signals to the MINI-PAM-II. To facilitate studies under field conditions, fluorescence measurements can be triggered by pushing the control button of the leaf clip 2035-B.

External LED Light Source 2054-L
The 2054-L external light source complements the internal actinic light of MINI-PAM-II fluorometers. The 2054-L can be easily attached to the 2035-B leaf clip. The external lamp provides light peaking at 630 nm (red), 520 nm (green), and 452 nm (blue), as well as white light. Each of the four channels has a standard maximum photon flux density of 1500 µmol m-2 s-1; the composition of colors is freely adjustable. The light source is connected to the SYNC port of the MINI-PAM-II fluorometer and it is controlled by the MINI-PAM-II or by a computer running the WinControl-3 software.
2035-B/RLC Conversion Kit for 2030-B/2035-B Leaf Clips
The 2035-B/RLC kit shields the sample area of 2030-B/2035-B Leaf Clips from external light. The accessory has been designed for field experiments that depend exclusively by the fluorometer’s internal light source. The 2035-B/RLC kit is especially suitable for rapid light curve (RLC) experiments in outdoor studies.

Fiberoptics Holder for Surfaces 2060-A
The holder positions the fiberoptics of the MINI-PAM-II on bulky samples. Combinable with the 2065-M Mini Quantum/Temp.-Sensor, to measure temperature and light intensity.

Dark Leaf Clip DLC-8
The DLC-8 leaf clip permits dark-acclimation of small leaf areas in the field. The tip of the fiberoptics of the MINI-PAM-II fits exactly in the DLC-8 port. With the fiber tip inserted, the sliding shutter of the DLC-8 can be opened so that F0 and FM level fluorescence can be measured without interference of ambient light.

Arabidopsis Leaf Clip 2060-B
Aluminum clip with small measuring area designed to position small leaves below the fiberoptics of the MINI-PAM-II. When combined with the 2065-M Mini Quantum/Temp.-Sensor, PAR on sample level and lower leaf temperature is recorded.

Suspension Cuvette KS-2500
The suspension cuvette includes a 400 μl sample compartment made of stainless steel with PVC exterior. The cuvette is equipped with a 7 mm fiberoptics window adapter, an injection port for Hamilton syringes, and nozzles for connecting an external flow-through water-bath for temperature control.

Mini Quantum/Temp.-Sensor 2065-M
Precise mini quantum and temperature sensors usable independently or in combination with the 2060-B Arabidopsis Leaf Clip or the 2060-A Fiberoptics Holder for Surfaces.

Magnetic Stirrer with Fiberoptics Holder MKS-2500
The device is equipped with a specially modified stirrer plate to center and hold the KS-2500 Suspension Cuvette. The MKS-2500 Magnetic Stirrer comes with a Perspex base plate with stand bar for mounting fiberoptics on top of cuvette.

Fiberoptics Adapter 90º 2030-B90
The fiberoptics adapter 90º can be attached to the leaf clips 2035-B and 2060-B to position the fiberoptics of the MINI-PAM-II at 90° angle relative to leaf plane.
Leaf Positioning Setup DUAL-BA
The DUAL-BA has been designed to easily and quickly position the fiber optics of a PAM fluorometer on attached leaves. The accessory is compatible with the DUAL-PAM/F, MINI-PAM-II and PAM-2500 fluorometers. It includes a duct with laterally mounted neodymium magnet and a screw to lock the fiber optics tip. An angle bracket made of a spring steel strip positions the leaf in front of the fiber optics, whereby the steel strip is held by the magnet of the duct. The DUAL-BA includes a fiber optics guide with metal rod to mount the guide on a stand.

Miniature Fiberoptics MINI-PAM/F1
The MINI-PAM/F1 is useful when small surfaces are to be investigated. It consists of a single coated plastic fiber which has an active diameter of 2 mm.

Barcode Scanner BCS-9590
The barcode scanner is the ideal add-on when many samples are repeatedly probed. Simply mark your samples by barcodes. Then, the BCS-9590 scanner writes for each saturation pulse analysis the sample ID into the memory of the MINI-PAM-II or the report data in WinControl-3. The barcode scanner is connected to the COMP 1 or COMP 2 port of the MINI-PAM-II.

Compact Tripod ST-2101A
The tripod is used for positioning of the Leaf Clip Holder 2035-B, the Mini Quantum/Temp.-Sensor 2065-M, or the Arabidopsis Leaf Clip 2060-B.