Due to its compact design, the MINI version is well suited for field applications. As the imaged area is much smaller than that of the MAXI version (17 x magnification of the area at the same resolution), maximal light intensities are higher, whereas power consumption is lower. For this reason the MINI version can easily be used as handy alternative for being independent from mains power or when higher magnifications are needed.

The red and the blue MINI Imaging measuring heads can also be mounted on the standard measuring Head 3010-S of the Portable Gas Exchange Fluorescence System GFS-3000 so that the ImagingWin software can directly communicate with the GFS-Win gas exchange software for control and the exchange of data.

Configurations of the MINI Version

Multi Control Unit

  • IMAG-CG Multi Control Unit to connect Measuring Head and GigE –Vision® CCD camera as M-Series IMAGING-PAM MAXI, MINI and MICROSCOPY version including ImagingWin GigE Software.

Measuring Head

  • IMAG-MIN/B (blue measuring light version, 460 nm, standard applications)
  • IMAG-MIN/R (red measuring light version, 620 nm, e.g. for cyanobacteria)
  • IMAG-MIN/GFP (blue measuring light version, 470 nm, GFP imaging and PSII fluorescence) using a high sensitivity camera IMAG-K6, K6-MIN prime lens and Detector Filter Slide K6-MIN/FS

CCD Camera and Lenses

  • IMAG-K7 (1/2" chip, 640 x 480 pixel) with K7-MIN prime lens (F1.4/f=16 mm)
  • IMAG-K6 increased sensitivity (2/3" chip, primary resolution 1392 x 1040 pixels) with K6-MIN prime lens objective (F1.4/f=12.5 mm)

Camera Mounting Set

  • all cameras need a mounting set K7-MIN/M or K6-MIN/M for robust coupling to the MINI-Head.


  • IMAG-MIN/BK Leaf holder fixes a leaf in front of the MINI-Heads sample frame
  • IMAG-MIN/ST rack and pinion fine drive with 120 mm traverse path for adjustment of the working distance coupled with a tripod adapter for mounting the MINI-head onto a UNC1/4-20 screw threads tripod head. Perfectly works together with
    • ST-1010 compact tripod with UNC1/4-20 screw threads tripod head
    • ST-101 Laboratory stand with wooden baseplate for the work with the open measuring head MAXI or MINI imaging head
  • IMAG-S rack and pinion fine drive laboratory stand with 50 mm traverse path high performance rack-and-pinion drive and 25 x 17 cm platform base


  • IMAG-PC a brand notebook PC

System Combination

  • IMAG-MIN/GFS Adapter plate for mounting MINI-Heads onto the standard measuring head 3010-S of GFS-3000
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