ImagingWinGigE Software for HEXAGON-IMAGING-PAM

General Features and Graphical User Interface
The HEXAGON-IMAGING-PAM is fully controlled by the dedicated ImagingWinGigE software.
When started, the ImagingWinGigE software opens with the image window that occupies most of the user surface showing the Ft value as starting parameter.
In the image window up to 100 areas of interest (AOIs) can be placed and the user can switch between parameters that shall be shown.
Values are represented in a false color scale ranging from black (0.0) to white (1.0) with red, orange yellow, blue and violet to purple in between. At first a central standard AOI is already present after the start of the software. Different shapes can be defined and the ImagingWinGigE software also offers a sample recognition function. AOIs` positions can be moved by the new Edit function.
Additional tabs are available for further settings and pre-programmed runs or the report tables. While working in these tabs, the image window is disengaged and is always present next to the normal ImagingWin window for a better overview.
We have tried to structure the user interface in a practical way and have adopted many of the proven controls from the ImagingWin of the M-series units.
The customer can choose between 18 different parameters (Ft, Fo, Fm, F, Fm’, Fv/Fm, Y(II), Y(NPQ), Y(NO), PS/50, Abs, Red, NIR, NPQ/4, qN, qP, qL, Inh.) that can be displayed in the image window in different color modes. In this tab the alteration of the parameters can be observed in real-time during the experiment.
The kinetics window shows various parameter values for some or all AOIs of the currently chosen experiment plotted versus time. It serves for the evaluation of dynamic dark / light phenomena (Kautsky curve or Induction curve).
Some of the possible experiments are already preset in the Kinetics or the Light Curve tab so that also the beginner finds an easy starting point for his first successful experiments. For advanced users it is also possible to program script files with more complex structure and even remote control the device by using the software interface.
Easy light calibration using the ULM-500 Light Meter & Logger.
ImagingWinGigE in communication with the ULM-500 provides an automated light calibration routine to generate a calibrated internal light list and furthermore offers to follow an external illumination (an appropriate PAR sensor like the Walz LS-C is necessary).
Some new features can be provided solely for the ImagingWinGigE software for HEXAGON-IMAGING-PAM, not for the ImagingWin software suitable for GigE devices or the older FireWire camera versions of the IMAGING-PAM M-Series.