Accessories for DIVING-PAM-II
Universal Sample Holder DIVING-II-USH
The DIVING-II-USH sample holder is designed for the specific requirements of underwater investigations of samples like sea grass, macroalgae, and corals. The sample holder permits single-hand operation of the DIVING-PAM-II by triggering measurements via a release button integrated in the handhold. A special mount positions the Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC parallel to the sample level. The robust trigger and spectrometer cables as well as the fiberoptics are bundled by a nylon-mesh-cover so that harmful bending of the fiberoptics can be avoided.

Underwater Oxygen Sensor DIVING-PAM-II/O2
The oxygen sensor DIVING-PAM-II/O2 uses optode sensor technology to measure oxygen concentrations in water. The method features high accuracy, low power requirements and long-term stability. The range of applications include gathering of bathymetric oxygen profiles and monitoring climate change-associated long-term declines in oceanic oxygen concentrations.

Surface Holder DIVING-SH
The DIVING-SH accessory has a central port to accommodate the DIVING-PAM-II fiberoptics. For long-term measurements of bulky objects, the DIVING-SH can be attached to the sample by three rubber bands equipped with end hooks.

Underwater Adapter DIVING-DA
The adapter DIVING-DA couples the fiber optics to the Magnet Sample Holder DIVING-MLC or the Dark Leaf Clip DIVING-LC.

Magnet Sample Holder DIVING-MLC
The Magnet Sample Holder DIVING-MLC consists of two circular halves each containing magnets. The holder is suited for seagrasses, kelp and other large macroalgae. The upper halve of the DIVING-MLC has a central hole which can be closed by a sliding shutter. Using an adapter DIVING-DA, the DIVING-PAM-II fiberoptics can be connected to the DIVING-MLC. Measurements with the still dark-acclimated sample can start after opening of the shutter.

Dark Leaf Clip DIVING-LC
Light-weight clip with sliding shutter for dark acclimation

Miniature Fiberoptics DIVING-F1
The Miniature Fiberoptics DIVING-F1 has been designed to investigate small surfaces. The light guide consists of a single coated plastic fiber, which has an active diameter of 2 mm and a length of 1.50 m.

Underwater Cables DIVING-II/K25 -K50
For remote-control of the DIVING-PAM-II, reliably performing underwater cables either 25 m (DIVING-II/K25) or 50 m (DIVING-II/K50) long are available. The 50 m cable is supplied with the charger DIVING-II/L15 which delivers an increased voltage to efficiently charge the DIVING-PAM-II in the presence of the elevated resistance of the DIVING-II/K50.