What's New
News from 2024

ST-Kinetics and Multi-Wavelength Chlorophyll Fluorometer
The MULTI-COLOR-PAM-II is the first Walz instrument with a time resolution of less than 1 µs. It is also the first Walz instrument with which the kinetics of single turnover flashes can be measured. It gives the user access to the donor side of photosystem II: P680+ kinetics and S-state-dependent period-4 oscillations as well as Carotenoid triplet formation and decay. However, it is two instruments in one, since it also offers all multi-color options of the predecessor model.

WALZ Brasil
We are pleased to announce a new distribution partnership with Plant Science Brasil Ltda. Effective July 1st, 2024, Plant Science Brasil will become the exclusive distributor of Heinz Walz GmbH products in Brasil.
Plant Science Brasil Ltda, located in Piracicaba, São Paulo State, was established to meet the needs of researchers and customers in plant physiology, soil physics, and environmental monitoring. The company boasts an experienced and dedicated team, supported by partners that enable it to offer comprehensive support, maintenance, and technical assistance to all Brazilian customers.
Leading the commercial efforts of Plant Science Brasil is Felipe Defavari, a Forest Engineer with 15 years of experience in the Brasilian market. Felipe specializes in instrumentation solutions for plant physiology, ensuring that Plant Science Brasil can effectively meet the specific needs of scientists and customers alike.
"We are honored to start working with WALZ, a renowned manufacturer of high-quality instrumentation for plant science," said Felipe Defavari, Commercial Director of Plant Science Brasil. "Our team is committed to upholding the highest standards of service and support for our Brazilian customers."

Probe your plants health status with the LEAF-STATE-ANALYZER
The new LEAF-STATE-ANALYZER LSA-2050 is a handheld device for non-invasive leaf analysis. This device provides a picture of stress effects and a plant's ability to cope with stress.
Read more

WALZ India
From January 2024, WALZ partners with scientific approved company Green Spectrum Technology from New Delhi, India. Green Spectrum Technology Pvt. Ltd. has a highly qualified and experienced team to serve our high quality photosynthesis instruments for Plant Science, Environmental Science and Climate change studies.
Mr. Ravi and Dr. Sanjay are biotechnologist with 15 years of experience in Plant & Environmental Science. Dr Sanjay published papers (more than 650 citations) in most of the renowned journals of the world and is having 10 years of experience in Plant Science Research.
WALZ is proud to start that partnership to fulfill the needs for measuring instruments for Plant Science, Environmental Science and Climate change studies.
The partnership includes sales, service, research and application support. For further information please contact info@greenspectrum.co.in or info@walz.com.
News from 2023

The Porometer leaf-clip is an accessory for the MINI-PAM-II. It combines measurements of PAM-fluorometry with the analysis of stomatal conductance. Gain new insights with the MINI-PAM-II/POROMETER for rapid screenings, high-throughput stress evaluation, or detailed plant analysis using well-established protocols like induction-curves or light-curves. As a lightweight, compact device, it is ideally suited for use in the field as well as in greenhouses and laboratories.

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
For the first time we participated in the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” in the Botanical Garden, Erlangen.
With our instruments we provide scientists with valuable information on optimizing growing conditions, the health of their plants, herbicide resistance, algae population in lakes and much more. The participants were able to conduct short experiments with our devices. A very exciting evening for the participants and WALZ.

Distributor Meeting in Franconia
We have spent a great time with our distributors from China, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

Ausbildungsmesse 2023
First time as an exhibitor at the fair in Forchheim. A few impressions of an exciting day with our trainees.

Latest publication
Dr. U. Schreiber - 2023
In the 2023 article of Ulrich Schreiber in Photosynthesis Research the reader gets more information about the presence and role of variable photosystem I fluorescence. Using the full potential of the MULTI-COLOR-PAM, he dissects again the O-I1-I2-P kinetics of saturation pulses.

MICRO-PAM: Amber Measuring Head now available
The scope of MICRO-PAM systems has been extended by the newly developed measuring head with amber LED, the MICRO-HEAD/3A. The emission properties of the novel PAM fluorometer is particularly suited to probe cyanobacterial mats and lichens, or crusts containing cyanobacteria.
News from 2022

Tutorial WinControl-3
In a first tutorial the principles of fluorescence measurements were explained. The present tutorial focuses on the structure and features of WinControl-3 software and on aspects of some of the major experimental applications of this software. WinControl-3 is used by the following instruments: MINI-PAM-II, DIVING-PAM-II, WATER-PAM-II, MONITORING-PAM, MICRO-PAM, MICROSCOPY-PAM and JUNIOR-PAM.

The new HEXAGON-IMAGING-PAM represents the largest WALZ Imaging System available. Despite the large measuring area, the instrument is still flexible enough to measure a wide variety of samples. These include individually potted plants, seedlings in larger plant trays, or harvested samples of higher or lower plants. It can measure areas of 20 x 24 cm with a resolution of up to 1000 x 1200 px (2x2 binning), according to the PAM principle with highest accuracy.

Heinz Walz GmbH Celebrates its 50th Anniversary
In 1972, Heinz Walz started his firm as a one-man enterprise with support of his wife, Hannelore, who took care of the unavoidable small business demands. Besides his professional qualifications as master craftsmen and electrical engineer, his chief start-up capital was a patented concept for measuring photosynthetic CO2 uptake by plants [1]. Its essential characteristics were a flow-through measuring chamber and the evaluation of the CO2 difference between the gas passing through the measuring chamber and the gas of a reference line. In short, Heinz Walz had the design of today’s high-performance gas exchange machines in mind. Before that, plant photosynthesis was mostly measured in closed chambers by metering the CO2 added to compensate for plant CO2 uptake.

P700 Tutorial - The basics
For the study of photosynthesis, non-invasive photosystem-I probing P700 measurements are not only a valuable tool in their own right but even more so in combination with fluorescence measurements. This tutorial, tries to give the viewer a basic understanding of the method, the tools used and some examples of applications of P700-measurements in photosynthesis research.

Employment of the AQUATIC Version of the MONITORING-PAM
Employing the AQUATIC Version of the MONITORING-PAM to better understand the impact of environmental changes on coral reef organisms. A research site investigating photosynthesis of coral endosymbionts in the Red Sea is now sending live data and a video stream.

Tutorial about fluorescence measurements
The tutorial shows the technical and practical aspects of fluorescence measurements with the MINI-PAM-II.
News from 2021

WATER-PAM-II for phytoplankton analysis
The new WATER-PAM-II instrument is a versatile, portable, cuvette-based system for the analysis of microalgae samples. Ideal for the analysis of algae composition and photosynthetic PSII activity. Its outstanding sensitivity and fast switch between red and blue light modes allow a comprehensive saturation pulse analysis of the total sample.
A wide sensitivity range and robust, portable design make it the instrument of choice for both laboratory and field.
Multiple accessories such as barcode scanner and flow-through cuvette are available

MINI-PAM-II video released
The video introduces features and accessories of the MINI-PAM-II fluorometer. Including illustrative examples of application.

IMAGING-PAM upgraded for field use
The MOBILE Version of the IMAGING-PAM M-series has been designed for chlorophyll fluorescence imaging in the field. The system employs a belly tray to conveniently carry the control unit and a fully rugged, sun-readable tablet computer. A special box with top slider permits dark acclimation of small plants, ground vegetation, and photosynthetic crusts to measure FV/FM (maximum photosynthetic yield of photosystem II).
News from 2020

DUAL-PAM-100 upgraded
The measuring system now features simultaneous measurements of fluorescence in two spectral windows. By recording chlorophyll fluorescence at wavelengths shorter and longer than 700 nm, it is demonstrated how PS I fluorescence influences saturation pulse analysis in a wavelength dependent manner.

WALZ tutorial on PAM fluorescence and saturation pulse analysis online
The Walz PAM Tutorial succeeds the famous TEACHING-PAM textbook by Dr. Ulrich Schreiber. The new tutorial describes experiments with the JUNIOR-PAM fluorometer. The topics include optimizing fluorometer settings, understanding basic photosynthetic properties, as well as examining dynamic plant behavior under stress.

MICRO-PAM system sends live data
A monitoring system comprising six MICRO-HEAD/3B fluorometers and a MONI-DA data acquisition system is sending data via modem to the Walz website. Visitors of the website can view the most current data plus the record of the latest 24 hours. To get an impression on the wealth of information created by long-term monitoring of photosynthesis, download the measurements of the last month.
News from 2019

PHYTO-II/FT: Flow-through cuvette for PHYTO-PAM-II COMPACT Version
The PHYTO-PAM-II can determine the photosynthetic activity of up to four different algae groups that are present as a mixture. The newly designed flow-through cuvette PHYTO-II/FT allows automatic drawing of such samples. The PhytoWin-3 software controls a peristaltic sampling pump and performs stopped-flow fluorescence analysis.

GFS-3000 new control unit generation available
The new control unit 3200-C features a new generation of high performance, low weight batteries for power solutions: the eSMART 98 Wh batteries. Use the advantages of the new energy supply: simpler handling, less weight, and longer operation duration without battery change. Also, hot swap and battery storage becomes easier as the integrated capacity indicator shows the charge status of the batteries at all times.

DIVING-PAM-II/O2: Measuring oxygen concentration in situ
To measure the oxygen concentrations of water to which aquatic plants and algae are exposed in nature, we have developed the Underwater Oxygen Sensor DIVING-PAM-II/O2, as an accessory of the underwater fluorometer DIVING-PAM-II. The sensor is expected to increase the understanding of the relationships between dissolved oxygen content and photosynthetic productivity of reef communities or algal blooms.

DUAL-KLAS-NIR went into serial production
The market release of the DUAL-KLAS-NIR spectrophotometer promises to open a new era of PS I research under in vivo conditions. Ulrich Schreiber, monitoring the specific absorbance changes of ferredoxin under various experimental conditions, recently provided evidence that cyclic electron transport around PS I could be measured in plants with C3 photosynthesis using the DUAL-KLAS-NIR.

Walz and LemnaTec address physiological phenotyping
Chlorophyll fluorescence expert Walz GmbH and phenotyping specialist LemnaTec GmbH facilitate physiological measurements in plant phenotyping. By integrating a Walz IMAGING PAM fluorometer into the HYPERAIXPERT system, chlorophyll fluorescence measurements complements automated plant phenotyping. The HYPERAIXPERT system is a multi-sensor laboratory phenotyping setup that automatically measures plants with different camera types. The multi-sensor approach enables comprehensive characterization of different aspects of plant phenotypes with particular focus on physiological data derived from chlorophyll fluorescence.
News from 2017

DIVING-PAM-II: First PAM system with spectrometer
As the first PAM fluorometer, the basic system of the DIVING-PAM-II includes a spectrometer to characterize the natural light environment, and to measure sample reflectance and fluorescence emission spectra. The spectrometer can also be connected to the MINI-PAM-II fluorometer.
News from 2016

Prototype of DUAL-KLAS-NIR spectrophotometer completed
Starting from the established DUAL-PAM-100 system, a “Kinetic LED Array Spectrophotometer” (KLAS) has been developed by Christoph Klughammer and Ulrich Schreiber. The device measures fast absorbance changes in the near-infrared range (NIR) concomitantly with green light-excited chlorophyll fluorescence. The ground-breaking system determines simultaneously the redox states of the PS I reaction center (P700), its electron donor plastocyanin, and its electron acceptor ferredoxin.
Read the technical paper in Photosynthesis Research (open access) and then experimental paper in Plant & Cell Physiology.

Fluorescence imaging in three dimensional format
In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, the Heinz Walz GmbH has developed a novel fluorometer which combines three-dimensional imaging of plants with spatially resolved analysis of photosynthesis. The device is designed to provide new insights in the complex relation between architecture and productivity of plants.
Pictures and movies
News from 2015

PHYTO-PAM-II MODULAR Version available
The PHYTO-PAM-II MODULAR Version is now available providing all advantages of PHYTO-PAM-II instruments. The MODULAR Version additionally features the opportunity to apply the software triggered Miniature Magnetic Stirrer PHYTO-MS to the bottom of the cuvette or to control the cuvette temperature by the Temperature Control Unit US-T.
News from 2014

New MINI-PAM-II Chlorophyll Fluorometer now available
The MINI-PAM-II carries on the success of its predecessor “MINI-PAM” using most modern LED and computer technology. Operation and viewing of data occurs by a touchscreen which is easily readable in the field. Large storage capacity for data and commonly available spare batteries permit long-term research at remote places. A new fully digital leaf clip measures PAR, temperature and humidity.

MONITORING-PAM employed in FACE experiment
Sponsored by the LOEWE program for top level research of the German Federal State of Hessen, researchers at Geisenheim University have set up a FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) experiment. Goal of research is to understand how future elevated CO2 levels, which drive the global climate change, affect viticulture and horticulture. Continuous recording of photosynthesis by MONITORING-PAM fluorometers provides long-term, time-resolved information on photosynthesis under coming climate conditions.
View first data and pictures –
MONITORING-PAM / Applications