Location & Arrival

Visiting the Heinz Walz GmbH

Heinz Walz GmbH
Eichenring 6
91090 Effeltrich

By Airplane

Nearest airport is Nuremberg Airport which is just 25 km away from the Walz Company. The other two airports in the vicinity of Walz are the Munich Airport which is located at a distance of 200 km, and the Frankfurt Airport which is 225 km apart.

The Nuremberg Airport is connected by U-Bahn (Metro) line U2 with the center of Nuremberg from which train connections to the city of Erlangen exist. Also, train service from the airports of Frankfurt and Munich to Erlangen is available. In the latter cases, typical travel times are around three hours.

The city of Erlangen offer bus service to Effeltrich (line 208, get off at Effeltrich/Linde) but we are also ready to pick you up at the train station.

By Car

Coming from Nuremberg or Bamberg, use autobahn A73 until exit Baiersdorf/Nord. Follow direction sign to Kersbach and Effeltrich. In Effeltrich, turn left just before the 1000-year-old lime tree and watch the Walz direction signs which lead you to the home of our company.